"I try not to swear in my songs.." FORGET The Haters STREAMING NOW on Spotify Our anti-bullying charity work with The Sophie Lancaster Foundation last summer was so rewarding - this clean version of the song means we can spread the message LOUD and CLEAR to the little dudes in our lives!
Speaking of, see below to find out the age restrictions for each show for our upcoming tour if you want to introduce them to the fine art of LIVE ROCK N' ROLL
Love & Peace. MW x
APRIL 13 Portsmouth (under 14s with adult) 14 Cambridge (under 14s with adult) 15 Bristol SOLD OUT 17 London (16+) 18 Manchester (under 14s with adult) 19 Norwich (under 14s with adult) 21 Birmingham (under 14s with adult) 22 Buckley (11+ with adult) 24 Leeds SOLD OUT 25 Edinburgh (14+)